Ellen has a new space to create
Renowned Hervey Bay photographer and artist Ellen Foulds was yearning for a different kind of exposure - and she's finally found it.
Previously located in a small studio at the Urangan Marina, the owner of Elfotography knew she needed to find more space to showcase her exquisite Hervey Bay based photography, hold photo shoots, run photography workshops and more.
Now, after taking a leap of faith and relocating to the Torquay Professional

Centre building on Bideford Street two months ago, Ellen said she has now found a place to spread her creative wings.
"Display wise I have a more professional and organised display with a high ceiling and the back room is big so that's where I conduct my workshops," she said.
"Printing, production and studio - everything is happening at the back. That is my production room and that's what encouraged me to move...I just wanted to do everything in one place.
"The gallery is not just a gallery. It's a one-stop for everyone - photography lessons, any kind of photo shoots and studio portraits, passport photos, photo restoration, graphic design, digital printing and I sell photography equipment and accessories..everything is happening here."
With an increase in foot traffic from both locals and tourists, Ellen said the feedback surrounding the studio had been overwhelming.
The majority of her works are based on her passion for Hervey Bay including her "Queen" - the Urangan Pier - whales and Fraser Island.
"I'm more pushing Hervey Bay itself because I love this town! That's why my motto is "Showcasing the Spectacular Scenes of Hervey Bay."
"It makes my hear big - locals say "wow, this is just amazing and most can't believe that these have been taken in Hervey Bay.
"I always say to those people you take it for granted, you live in a beautiful place, you just have to get up in the morning and see the beautiful sunrise and the colours of the clouds and the sunsets."
Tourists are always fascinated by what we have here and if they buy something it's hard to make a sale because they can never decide which one they want and they want to buy them all," she said with a laugh.
Source: Hervey Bay Independent, 30th May 2019
Fraser Coast Artist Shares Love

Ellen Foulds decided to make Hervey Bay's iconic Urangan Pier the subject of a photographic exhibition for as good a reason as any - "I love Urangan Pier".
Ms. Foulds, a Hervey Bay artist and photographer, knows the many different faces of the pier and does not mind getting up early to capture them.
Her exhibition, Urangan Pier After 100 Years, is open now at the Hervey Bay Regional Gallery in the Fraser Coast Cultural Centre. It celebrates the iconic pier, its history and its place in our community.
Ms Foulds has a gallery at the marina, Elfotography Hervey Bay, where she features images from around Hervey Bay. People come into the gallery to ask her where they can find the pier.
"People come to Hervey Bay to walk on that jetty," she said.
Ms Foulds will be running a group photography session on Sunday, 9th of July 2017 from 10am to 1pm at the regional gallery. Bookings can be made at the gallery beforehand.
Both exhibitions opened on June 16, with its official opening held on Friday, June 23, from 6pm at the regional gallery. It will be on display until 23 July 2017.
Ellen Foulds' Photography has been well received around the region for the past six years and now her work will be available, direct to the public, at her new Great Sandy Straits Marina gallery.
Her keen eye captures the essence of coastal life in Queensland - picturesque once minute, wild and stormy the next.
Ellen's striking photography was on display at the Hervey Bay Regional last year.
On Saturday she opened her own gallery at the marina in the company of family and friends and other industry professionals.
"I really want tourists and locals to be able to take a slice of our paradise away with them, and I needed a gallery open to give them the opportunity," Ellen told the Indy.
The gallery space will also double as a studio for Ellen, allowing her to take portrait and passport photos and host workshops for aspiring photographers in a central location.
Ellen said some of her more awe-inspiring photos were the culmination of months of preparation and patience.

"I'm a designer first, so I design my photographs," she said. "Some photos will take months of me waiting for that right moment. If it's not exactly how I imagined the shot, I just keep going back until I get it right."
The variety of artistic talent in our region continues to grow and evolve.
Ellen's gallery and studio are just another jewel in the region's sparkling artisan crown.

Budding photographers celebrated National Youth Week (April 8-17, 2016) at the Fraser Coast Cultural Centre last week with renowned photographer, Ellen Foulds.
As part of the week-long celebrations, the centre hosted a special photography workshop for kids on Thursday.
Ellen guided her students through a special introductory course which highlighted the importance of lighting, composition and subject matter.
The enthusiastic youngsters ventured out into the surrounding parkland with their cameras to put their newly - acquired skills to the test. "Kids always have a great perspective with photography," Ellen said.
Outstanding images from Ellen's workshop will be on display at the cultural centre for the remaining few days of National Youth Week.
12 year old Declan Ingham said he picked up some great pointers from the day's activities. "It was very inspirational and gave me some great ideas about photograph," he said.
This year's National Youth Week theme is "Be The Future".
Multi award winning photographer, Ellen Foulds, is showcasing her latest exhibition at the Hervey Bay Regional Gallery to help raise funds for Meals on Wheels.
The exhibition showcases Hervey Bay through the eyes of a photographer and features stunning landscape scenery like sunsets, full moons and storm cells.
All of the artwork on display is for sale and 50% of the proceeds will go directly to Meals on Wheels.
"They feed the elderly and the disadvantaged, " Ellen said.
"It's not easy for these people, but Meals on Wheels keeps them fed and

we need to support their work."
Visitors to the gallery can also buy a ticket into a raffle for one of Ellen's prized pictures - a photo of the king tide that preceded Tropical Cyclone Marcia earlier this year. Tickets are jus $2 each or $5 for three, and proceeds from the raffle will also go towards Meals on Wheels.
"I've always loved landscapes and chasing storms, sunrises and sunsets," Ellen said. "Hervey Bay is spectacular, for me it is very special. "Really, it's quite and amazing place."